Hi, Hello, I’ll Be Brief!
Sooo… this is veryyyy out of character for me to do something like this… a blog..? Really?… I never would have guessed I would have the courage or think others would be interested enough to read about me or what goes on in my head. But here I am… so here’s a little bit about me, how I got here, and what’s in my head that’s led me to writing this!
To cover all the personal life stuff quickly I’ll just jump right in. I’m getting close to 30, have been married since I was 18, have three kids (first @ 20 and their ages are 7, 6, & 11months) who are homeschooled (yes by me), four dogs (yes I know wtf..), and a stronnnnngggg dose of high-functioning anxiety (more on this later lol).
Professionally, I worked in insurance from ages 16-21. Finished my undergrad degree in Psychology and decided to become a teacher (thought school counseling was where I was headed.. obvi not). I taught high school English for two years during grad school. Then stopped teaching to finish my clinical intern hours (which btw is a crock because it’s like 20+hrs a week and unpaid soooo you better love what you’re doing!!). Finished grad school & passed my licensure exam. Started my own practice and now I’m here.
Moving past that because it was too much to be considered comfortable... I started this practice because I have been in the trenches and I know what it’s like as a mom/wife, as a teacher/student, and as a young adult struggling with their own childhood trauma, and/or just a person dealing with the highs & lows. I have been so intrigued by what I learned throughout my lived experiences/education. I realized that a lot of what I learned in school isn’t common knowledge… which makes me feel like someone is gatekeeping it from us lol. So the point of this blog is to SHARE, be a resource, and/or just a lifeline of connection for those who might need it!
If you haven’t noticed I try to get to the point. I could use all the big words, but there is no need for that. I like to keep it authentic.
Long story short…. parenting is hard, psychology is fascinating, parenting and growing internally is EXTREMELY hardER, and I just want to help teens, moms, and young adults have all the tools/skills they need to face their challenges!
Until next time! <3 Jane